Child Support Lawyers in Lee's Summit, MO
When parents are divorcing, or have never been married, one parent is usually ordered to pay child support to the other parent. The purpose of child support is to ensure that the needs of the child are being met through financial contribution by both parents. The amount of child support depends on a variety of factors and either parent may be eligible to receive child support depending on the specific circumstances of the case. Child support may be at issue in a divorce, paternity action, or modification. If you are facing a child support issue, it is important that you have the assistance of a knowledgeable child support attorney to ensure that the child support order is reasonable and appropriate. The licensed child support lawyers at Siegel & Irwin, LLC are ready to assist with your child support needs throughout the entire process.
An Overview of Child Support Law in Missouri
Child support is established by guidelines set forth by the Missouri Supreme Court. Generally, the parent with the most parenting time with the child receives the child support payment from the non-custodial parent, although the court can determine a different arrangement if deemed necessary. The Family Support Division is authorized to create a child support order if a parent has requested support.
Missouri has created child support calculators to facilitate the determination of child support. The factors below may be considered in the determination of child support, but final child support obligations must be approved by the court or Family Support Division.
Monthly gross income
Other monthly child support paid for other children
Number of children in a household
Daycare costs
Health insurance costs
Educational expenses
Extracurricular activities
Overnight visitation
Child support orders can change and are frequently reviewed to ensure there have not been changes in financial conditions, ensure the needs of the children are being met, and when parents agree to a modification. If you need assistance determining whether you are eligible for child support, contact our attorneys with child support experience.
How Can a Lawyer Help with Child Support?
A child support attorney is a critical supporter in both the initial establishment of support and any proceeding child support modifications that may occur. Below are some reasons to contact our child support lawyers at Siegel & Irwin, LLC to navigate your child support process.
Our child support attorneys will provide insight based on past experience as to what may be deemed fair by the courts and how to handle extenuating circumstances in which a support battle ensues.
Siegel & Irwin, LLC can help you discover assets, file liens, intercept lottery winnings, assist in delinquent payments, file charges against a non-supportive parent, and work with the state to assist with collection or payment.
In addition, a child support lawyer may be able to help you decrease your child support payments if the situation merits or as a receiving parent to ensure the correct level of support is being paid.
To ensure you are not leaving any money on the table, contact our child support lawyers to make modifications or review an initial support order issued by the Missouri courts or Family Support Division.
FAQ for the Child Support Process in Missouri
Can a Child Support Order Be Modified?
Yes. Depending upon the circumstances of the situation, child support orders can be modified in Missouri. Generally, there needs to be a substantial change in circumstances to such an extent as to make the present terms of the child support obligation unreasonable to warrant a review. We recommend you contact our child support lawyers immediately upon a change in circumstances. Our attorneys can help you determine if a substantial change has occurred and appropriate next steps.
How Is Child Support Determined?
In Missouri, child support is calculated using a document called a Form 14. The amount of child support depends on a number of factors, including: the monthly income earned by each parent, the number of children, and the children’s overnight stays with the parent paying support. Child support may also be affected by work-related daycare, health insurance, or other extraordinary costs incurred for the children. In divorce cases, a maintenance award may also affect the amount of the child support obligation.
How Long Does Child Support Last?
Each state handles termination of child support differently. Generally, in Missouri, child support payments continue until a child dies, gets married, becomes self-supporting, enters active military duty, turns 18, or graduates high school. In addition, in Missouri, if a child enters vocational school or higher education after high school, child support may be extended. Please ensure that you speak to an attorney about how to properly give or receive notice regarding a child’s involvement in a vocational school or college. Failure to properly give notice could affect whether you continue to receive or give child support.
If you’re trying to determine how much longer child support will continue in your circumstances, contact our child support attorneys to assist you.
Can Parents Agree to Different Child Support Terms?
In many circumstances, parents can mutually agree to a child support arrangement different than the specified guidelines. However, if a child support order has already been issued, you should abide by the terms until a new, valid agreement has been determined and finalized. Contact our attorneys with experience in child support arrangements to talk through the unique circumstances of your child support situation.
Contact Our Attorneys for a Professional Child Support Consultation
Located in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, the child support attorneys at Siegel & Irwin, LLC have assisted many clients in establishing support orders and court support cases in Missouri including Cass County, Clay County, Jackson County, Lafayette County, Platte County, and other surrounding counties. Each child support case varies in complexity and our child support attorneys are experienced in handling divorce, paternity actions, and other complex support order situations that arise. Let our Missouri child support attorneys at Siegel & Irwin, LLC help you throughout the child support process. Contact us at (816) 836-9950 or contact us online.
Content Reviewed by Kristin Siegel, JD | Attorney at Law